How to Remove Blood Stains from Clothes, According to Laundry Experts

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How to Remove Blood Stains from Clothes

Some stains stay with you, like that uninvited guest who refuses to leave your home no matter what. One of these pesky, uninvited stains that can ruin your clothes is the blood stain. When you want to remove blood stains from clothes, you may need to call in reinforcements like expert tips from laundry professionals, Love2Laundry.

We offer professional laundry stain removal solutions and free pick-up and delivery services to ensure you get clean clothes on time. As an expert at cleaning clothing, let’s discuss ways for how to get blood out of clothes.

Understanding Blood Stains

When bloodstains fall on the fabric, it can cause permanent stains, making them harder to remove. Let’s look at some of the factors that can impact how difficult it will be to get rid of blood stains.

  • Fabric type
  • Water temperature
  • Longevity of stain

Here’s a step-by-step guide to remove tough stains from your clothes to address such factors.

Immediate Actions to Take When a Blood Stain Occurs

Immediate action is one of the solutions to remove blood stains from clothes as it prevents stains from entering the fibers and reduces the risk of damaged outfits. You should have the supplies like: 

  • Bristled brush
  • Cold water
  • Towel

Now, let’s look at the steps to remove blood stains from white clothes:

Step 1: Blotting the Stain

Grab a clean cloth or towel and gently blot the blood stain instead of rubbing. When you rub the stain, it may spread further and leave a permanent mark.

Step 2: Cold Water Rinse

Rinse your outfits with cold water to remove blood stains from clothes because hot water will take the stains deep in the fibers. Cold water removes the fresh blood stains and keeps your outfit from sustaining damage.

Professional Techniques for Blood Stain Removal

You may want professionals to remove blood stains from clothes, and that’s what Love2Laundry offers. Our washing techniques help to get rid of blood stains from clothes and protect your outfit from color fading. 

We also make sure the fabric doesn’t tear apart by using a gentle washing setting. Our washing technique highlights our service’s effectiveness in getting rid of blood stains from clothes. We also protect your outfits from color fading and tearing apart by using gentle washing settings.

There are more effective techniques that could remove even dried blood stains, so let’s have a look:

Enzymatic Cleaners

Enzyme-based cleaners can be the ideal laundry detergents for removing blood stains from clothes. They break down the blood particles in your fabric with the help of protease, a material in enzyme cleaners.

Advanced Stain Treatment Technologies

At Love2Laundry, we use advanced treatment to remove blood stains from stubborn clothes. Our advanced washing process begins with:

  • Rinsing the fabric properly.
  • Pretreating the stains with commercial stain removers.
  • Using high-grade washing machines.
  • Inspecting the clothes after the wash to remove stains from white clothes.

Our advanced techniques will remove blood stains from clothes and keep them safe from sustaining damage. 

DIY Tips for At-Home Blood Stain Removal

There are multiple DIY tips to remove blood stains from your outfits to get your clothes ready to wear. This natural process reduces the chances of color fading or damaged fibers. So, let’s look at those tips or ways to remove blood stains from clothes.

  • Act quickly and blot with a towel to remove common stains from clothes.
  • Rinse your fabric with cold water to prevent the blood stain from spreading.
  • Mix salt and cold water to create a suitable pretreatment.
  • Apply a paste of cold water and baking soda to remove blood stains from clothes.

How to Remove Blood Stains from Silk

Silk fabrics are delicate and may not withstand regular washing processes as the fabric could sustain damage. You can remove stains from colored clothes of silk fabrics with the help of:

Homemade Solutions

Homemade solutions for how to remove old blood stains from clothes like silk fabrics would be effective. A mixture of cold water & baking soda or dish soap would be enough. Apply it to the fabric and leave the solution for a few minutes before washing it with cold water.

Precautions When Treating Delicate Fabrics

You must take certain precautions while removing blood stains from silk fabrics to protect them from damage. Here are those precautions you can add to your washing routine:

  • Blot the stain instead of rubbing it.
  • Opt for mild laundry detergent.
  • Don’t scrub the fabric.
  • Hand wash delicate fabrics.

Why Choose Love2Laundry for Stain Removal

Choosing Love2Laundry for stain removal would be the right option because we keep your outfits clean and fresh. We will keep your clothes safe from damage with our:

Expertise and Reliability

Our expertise in dealing with stubborn blood stains on different fabrics with preventive measures makes us a reliable source.

Comprehensive Services

We wash your clothes as per the instructions on the clothing label to remove blood stains from your clothes. In addition, our comprehensive services offer high-quality wash and fold, ironing, and specialized service for delicate fabrics. 

Preparing for Pickup and Delivery

You can benefit from convenience by getting the pickup and delivery service offered by Love2Laundry. Our seamless scheduling helps you choose the time for pickup and delivery based on your availability.

FAQs –  How to remove blood stains from clothes

How do you get dried blood out of clothes?

You can remove dried blood stains from clothes by soaking the fabric in cold water and then adding hydrogen peroxide as a pretreatment.

What is the best blood stain remover?

Enzyme-based stain removers are the best to remove blood stains because they contain protease.

Does baking soda remove blood stains?

Of course, baking soda can remove blood stains from garments. Mix it with water and apply it to the stain, then wash it after a few minutes.

How do you make homemade stain remover?

Making a homemade stain remover is easy. Mix 1 part hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and baking soda, then apply it to the blood stain.

Does toothpaste remove blood stains?

Not completely, but toothpaste can remove blood stains to some extent. Apply it to the stain, scrub gently, and rinse the fabric.

Wrap Up!

You can keep your outfits clean now that you know everything needed to remove blood stains from clothes. DIY techniques will help you get rid of blood stains quickly and effectively.

If you don’t know how to get blood out of clothes, you can outsource them to Love2Laundry.